My first Beef is Trudeau’s immigration policies. In 2023 Canada he allow 250,000 immigrates into Canada without a plan on where they will live, or where they will work and he has already stated that this number will escalate to be 500,000 in 2024. As we all are aware through news media that there is a house availability issue. Trudeau and his mindless cronies didn’t have any forethought on where these 250,000 people are going to live.

It is my understanding that the government of Canada is presently providing housing for at least 1000 immigrants at the Ramada Hotel in Niagara Falls. They receive free housing, 4 meals a day and receive $1,400/mth./person. If they are a family of 5 they receive 5 x $1400/mth. which = $7,000/mth. Free food and free meals! I think I will apply for refugee status in Canada to receive such benefits. Could you imagine working for minimum wage at the Ramada, struggling to put food on your own table and maintain a roof over you head for your family and see these individuals from a foreign country who have paid no taxes benefiting as they are from are hard earned dollar. Once again Trudeau needs to understand he needs to help the Canadian citizen that have been born and raised in this country before he starts selling us out to another countries refugees.

Hear is another kick in the head for Canadians! Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced a new program that would offer visas to a maximum of 1,000 Palestinians to take refuge in Canada for 3 years. And get this the council of Canadian Muslims director Uthman Quick states “There should not be a cap”. Who the hell does he think he is telling Canada would we can and can not do. This is happened all over the world to Canada because we have a passive Prime Minister that caves in to everyone, the Chinese, indigenous groups, gay communities, and now Israel. Israel officials repeatedly suggested recently that Canada take in Palestinians to protest in our streets and advocates for Hamas a terrorist group. Ram Ben Arak, former director of intelligence agency Mossad told Israeli television in November that for Palestinians, “it’s better to be a refugee in Canada” than to live in Gaza.

This one of the reason Trudeau should shut his mouth. Spewing crap which cause the struggle to get the 2 Michaels out of China, Insinuating India assassinated an Indian Citizen in Canada, what was his political method in making statement in public, a solid potential trade partner and then shooting off his mouth against Israel. Born in 1971, he has not experienced any war involvement to comment on what another country should do who have experienced genocide of there cultural for decades. If he doesn’t do more in supporting our military, we all may be involved in our own war against a communis country.

On January 10, 2024 Sweden publicly stated to it citizens to prepare for war. They are applying for application to NATO which is being rejected by Turkey and Belraus. Finland blocked three Russian property acquisitions to avoid security concerns. North Korea has just threaten South Korea as its main enemy and sates to “annihilate them”. Canada better be preparing it’s military, ohhh wait we don’t have one..

About the Author


I DECIDE A LONG TIME AGO THAT I WAS DISAPPOINTED IN OUR GOVERNMENT POLICIES IN THIS COUNTRY AND HOW SKEWD THE MEDIA IS IN REPORTING THE NEWS. So, I decide that having live in this country over 60 years and have experienced a positive and negative political policy that I believe has torn this country apart.

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